Your Pre-Trip Disney Checklist

Things to Buy Before Your Trip to Disney

After finalizing all the details for your Disney trip, you realize the date is getting closer and closer and now you are stuck trying to decide what you should buy before you get there. Have no fear.

We’re breaking down the 6 things we believe are essential to buy before your Disney trip:

  1. Disposable Ponchos

    This one may seem silly, but trust me. With all of my Disney trips, this one is a MUST in my Disney park bag. There are quite a few water rides offered and you don’t want to miss out on those. I love buying the disposable ones because they’re easy to chunk in the trash when you’re finished and move on to more fun things! Plus, they’re cheaper than the ones sold inside Disney.

  2. Snacks

    One of the things I love most about Disney is that they allow you to bring your own food into the park. Be sure to purchase snacks ahead of time that you know your kids are going to be begging you for. Once you are already there, you’re not going to want to find a nearby grocery store.

  3. Disney Shirts

    I’m a sucker for group shirts! Not only is it adorable, it also helps you keep track of the people you are with. Pro tip: Bring group shirts for every day of the trip!

  4. Autograph Books

    While Disney does offer these in their gift shops, I always recommend people buy a few small notebooks from the dollar store and pack them in their bags. Not only will you save some money that can be happily spent on a Mickey soft pretzel later, but your kids will have them ready to go right out of the gate.

  5. Luggage Tags for Strollers

    This one is HUGE! When you’re running around Disney, the last thing you want on your mind is trying to decipher which stroller is yours. I always recommend getting bright, easy to spot luggage tags to attach to your stroller. It’ll save you some time searching for which one is yours and will hopefully prevent someone from accidentally taking yours! Yes, this does happen.

  6. Pin Trading Lanyards

    My kids are huge into trading pins with their friends at Disney. I love to have cute lanyards for them ahead of time to pin them to. Again, this helps to buy before to save money as well as time if they see something right off the bat that they want (because then we won’t have to go back for it later when we do have a lanyard).

Did we leave anything off the list that you are for sure buying before you go? Leave your helpful tips in the comments below!

Now that you know what to buy before, head over to this blog post to see what to pack with you day of:

8 Must-Have Items for Your Disney Park Bag

Want to know where to vacation after Disney? Find out here!

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